Where Benny Raphael speaks to the world
My Research

My Publications

For the latest list see Scopus


New book Construction and Building Automation published by Taylor and Francis. Released in July, 2022. Check this page for updates.
  1. Raphael B., Construction and Building Automation: From Concepts to Implementation (1st ed.). Routledge. 2022. (276 pages).
  2. Raphael, B. and I.F.C. Smith, Engineering Informatics: Fundamentals of computer aided engineering, second edition, John Wiley, 2013.
  3. Saitta, Sandro, B. Raphael and I.F.C. Smith, Data Mining: Applications in Civil Engineering, Saarbr�cken: VDM Verlag, 2009. 184 pp.
  4. Raphael, B. and I.F.C. Smith, Fundamentals of computer aided engineering, London: John Wiley, 2003. 309 pp.
  5. Kumar, B. and B. Raphael, Derivational analogy based structural design, London: Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2001. 178 pp.

Book Chapters

  1. Benny Raphael and I.F.C. Smith, Teaching Fundamentals of Computing to Civil Engineers - Challenges and Solutions, In Transforming Engineering Education: Innovative, Computer-Mediated Learning Technologies, eds. Ivan Mutis, Renate Fruchter, Carol Menassa, ASCE, ISBN-9780784414866, 2017 .
  2. Bimal Kumar and Benny Raphael, Collaboration in BIM-based construction networks, In BIM Teaching and Learning Handbook, M. Reza Hosseini, Farzad, Ajibade A. Aibinu, Sepehr Abrishami (editors), Routledge, 2021. BIM Teaching and Learning Handbook .

Peer reviewed journal papers

  1. Shanmugaraj Senthilnathan,Benny Raphael, Predicting Buildability Using the Surface Texture of 3D Printed Concrete Elements, Journal of Architectural Engineering, Volume 31, Issue 2, Feb 2025. DOI: View online
  2. Krishnamoorthi, S., Benny, R. Multi criteria decision making for identifying appropriate level of automation. Constr Robot 8, 17 (2024). View online
  3. Patel, A., Raphael, B. Robotic 3D printing of structural slabs using polyethylene waste as filler to reduce carbon footprint. Constr Robot 8, 7 (2024).
  4. Harichandran, A., Raphael, B., & Mukherjee, A. (2023). Relevance of deep sequence models for recognising automated construction activities: a case study on a low-rise construction system, Journal of Information Technology in Construction,Vol. 28, pg. 458-481.
  5. Archana P. Ambadi, Benny Raphael, Experimental investigation on thermal performance of an actively cooled light shelf, Solar Energy, Vol 263, July 2023. DOI View online
  6. Benny Raphael, Shanmugaraj Senthilnathan, Abhishek Patel and Saqib Bhat, A review of concrete 3D printed structural members, Frontiers in Built Environment, January 2023. Open Access
  7. Archana P. Ambadi, Benny Raphael, Experimental evaluation of radiant heat transmitted by light shelves, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 63, Part B, 2023, 105534, ISSN 2352-7102, For free access: Click here
  8. Senthilnathan, S.; Raphael, B. Using Computer Vision for Monitoring the Quality of 3D-Printed Concrete Structures. Sustainability 2022, 14, 15682. For open access Click here
  9. Sundararaman Krishnamoorthi and Benny Raphael, Identifying the right level of automation through model composition and stochastic search, CSI Transactions on ICT, , Springer, 2022.
  10. Harichandran, A., Raphael, B., & Mukherjee, A. (2022). Equipment activity recognition and early fault detection in automated construction through a hybrid machine learning framework. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 00, 1-16.
  11. Krishnamoorthi S., Raphael B. A review of methodologies for performance evaluation of automated construction processes Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 12(5), (2022).
  12. Aparna Harichandran, Benny Raphael, and Abhijit Mukherjee, A Hierarchical Machine Learning Framework for Identification of Automated Construction Operations, DOI: 10.36680/j.itcon.2021.031, Journal of Information Technology in Construction, Vol. 26 (2021), pp. 591-623.
  13. Benny Raphael1, Albert Thomas and Joseph Louis, (2020). Editorial: Sensing and Data Analytics, Front. Built Environ. | doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2020.604665.
  14. Aparna Harichandran, Benny Raphael, Abhijit Mukherjee, Development of Automated Top-Down Construction System for Low-rise Building Structures, International Journal of Industrialized Construction, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020).
  15. Benny Raphael, Aparna Harichandran, (2020). Sensor Data Interpretation in Bridge Monitoring-A Case Study, Frontiers in Built Environment, Vol. 5, pp. 148. DOI=10.3389/fbuil.2019.00148
  16. Kannimuthu Marimuthu, Raphael Benny, Palaneeswaran Ekambaram, Kuppuswamy Ananthanarayanan, Comparing optimization modeling approaches for the multi-mode resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem, 27(4), Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, (2019).
  17. Kannimuthu Marimuthu, Raphael Benny, Palaneeswaran Ekambaram, Kuppuswamy Ananthanarayanan, Optimizing time, cost, and quality in multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 44-63, 2019. .
  18. Stefie J. Stephen, Benny Raphael, Ravindra Gettu and Sujatha Jose, Determination of the tensile constitutive relations of fiber reinforced concrete using inverse analysis, Construction & Building Materials, 195, 2019, pp. 405-414.
  19. K. Sai Kiran, Benny Raphael, Performance Evaluation of a High-Influx, Bubble dehumidifier, Energy and Buildings, 173, pp. 291-301, 2018 .
  20. Marimuthu Kannimuthu, Palaneeswaran Ekambaram, Benny Raphael, Ananthanarayanan Kuppuswamy, Resource unconstrained and constrained project scheduling problems and practices in a multi-project environment, Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 9579273, 13 pages, 2018. DOI link
  21. Warrier, G.A., Raphael, B., Performance evaluation of light shelves, Energy and Buildings, Volume 140, 1 April 2017, Pages 19-27.
  22. Ranjith K. Soman, Benny Raphael, , Koshy Varghese, A System Identification Methodology to monitor construction activities using structural responses, Automation in Construction, Volume 75, March 2017, Pages 79-90,
  23. Maria Papadopoulou, Benny Raphael, Ian F.C. Smith, Evaluating predictive performance of sensor configurations in wind studies around buildings, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Volume 30, Issue 2, April 2016, Pages 127-142.
  24. Y.Chen, B. Raphael, C.S.Sekhar, Experimental and simulated energy performance of a personalized ventilation system with individual airflow control in a hot and humid climate, Building and Environment, Volume 96, 1 February 2016, Pages 283-292.
  25. Benny Raphael and Krishna Sai Jadhav, Sensor Placement for Structural Monitoring of Transmission Line Towers, Frontiers in Built Environment, 25 November, 2015.
  26. Didier G. Vernay, Benny Raphael and Ian F.C. Smith, Improving simulation predictions of wind around buildings using measurements through system identification techniques, Building and Environment, 94, 2015, pp. 620 - 631.
  27. Didier G. Vernay, Benny Raphael and Ian F.C. Smith, A Model-Based Data-Interpretation Framework For Improving Wind Predictions Around Buildings, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 145, October 2015, Pages 219-228, 2015.
  28. YANG, J, S C Sekhar, K W Cheong and Benny Raphael, A Time-Based Analysis Of The Personalized Exhaust System For Airborne Infection Control In Healthcare Settings, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, Volume 21, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 172-178. ( )
  29. Maria Papadopoulou, Benny Raphael, Ian F.C. Smith, Chandra Sekhar, Hierarchical sensor placement using joint entropy and the effect of modeling error, Entropy, 16, 2014, pp. 5078-510 ( )
  30. YANG, J, S C Sekhar, K W Cheong and Benny Raphael, Performance Evaluation of an Integrated Personalized Ventilation-Personalized Exhaust System in Conjunction with Two Background Ventilation Systems, Building and Environment, Vol 78, 2014, pp. 102-110. ( )
  31. YANG, J, S C Sekhar, K W Cheong and Benny Raphael, Performance Evaluation of a novel Personalised Ventilation . Personalised Exhaust system for Airborne Infection Control, Indoor Air, Volume 25, Issue 2, pages 176-187, April 2015. ( )
  32. Maria Papadopoulou, Benny Raphael, Ian F.C. Smith, Chandra Sekhar, Optimal Sensor Placement For Time-Dependent Systems: Application To Wind Studies Around Buildings, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, April, 2015. ( )
  33. Didier G. Vernay, Benny Raphael and Ian F.C. Smith, Augmenting Simulations Of Airflow Around Buildings Using Field Measurements, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Volume 28, Issue 4, October 2014, Pages 412-424 ( ).
  34. YANG, J, S C Sekhar, K W Cheong and Benny Raphael, "CFD study and evaluation of different personalized exhaust devices". HVAC&R Research, Volume 19, Issue 8, 17 November 2013, pp. 934-946
  35. Lim T.H.B, Ling Y.Y.F., William Ibbs C., Raphael B. and Ofori G., Mathematical models for predicting organizational flexibility of construction firms in Singapore, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-ASCE, 138(3), (2012), pp. 361-375.
  36. Pantelic J., Raphael B., Tham K.W., A Preference Driven Multi-Criteria Optimization Tool For Hvac Design And Operation, Energy and Buildings, 55, (2012, pp. 118-126). ( )
  37. Y.Chen, B. Raphael, C.S.Sekhar, Individual control of a personalized ventilation system integrated with an ambient mixing ventilation system, HVAC&R, 18, No. 6, (2012), pp. 1136-1152.
  38. Raphael B., Multi-criteria decision making for collaborative design optimization of buildings, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, (Emerald publishers), Vol 1, Issue 2, Nov, 2011. (
  39. LIM T.H.B, Ling Y.Y.F., William Ibbs C., Raphael B. and Ofori G., An empirical analysis of the determinants of organizational flexibility in construction business. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-ASCE, 137, no. 3 (2011): 225-237.
  40. Raphael, B., "Active Control of Daylighting Features in Buildings". Computer-Aided Civil And Infrastructure Engineering, 26(5), (2011), pp. 393-405. ( )
  41. Saitta, Sandro, Prakash Kripakaran, B. Raphael and I.F.C. Smith, "Feature Selection using Stochastic Search: An Application to System Identification". Journal Of Computing In Civil Engineering, 24, no. 1 (2010): 3-10.
  42. Teoh M. C., Raphael B. and Low S.P., "Lean construction principles and their practice in Singapore". Construction Information Quarterly, 11, no. 1 (2008): 24-28. (United Kingdom).
  43. Lim S.P., Low S.P., and B. Raphael, "Analyzing construction trends in the European Union using Geographic Information Systems". Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 13, no. 1 (2008): 1-26. (Malaysia).
  44. Raphael, B., "Promoting Efficient Use of Visualization Tools through Education". Journal Of Computing In Civil Engineering, 23, no. 6 (2008): 428-435.
  45. Saitta, S., B. Raphael and I.F.C. Smith, "A comprehensive validity index for clustering". Intelligent Data Analysis, 12, no. 6 (2008): 529-548.
  46. Saitta, S, P Kripakaran, B. Raphael and I.F.C. Smith, "Improving system identification using clustering". Journal Of Computing In Civil Engineering, 22, no. 5 (2008): 292-302.
  47. Saitta S., B. Raphael and I.F.C. smith, "A bounded index for cluster validity". Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 4571 (2007): 174-187.
  48. Low, S P, B. Raphael, F M Arain and S Soh, "Analyzing construction-related market trends in APEC countries using GIS". Business Review, 2, no. 2 (2007): 29-46. (Pakistan).
  49. Raphael B., B. Domer, S. Saitta and I.F.C. Smith, "Incremental development of CBR strategies for computing project cost probabilities". Advanced Engineering Informatics, 21 (2007): 311-321.
  50. Saitta, S., Raphael, B., Smith, I.F.C., Data mining for decision support in multiple-model system identification, WSEAS Transactions on Systems 5 (12) , pp. 2795-2800, 2006.
  51. Domer B., Raphael B., Saitta S., KnowPrice2: Intelligent cost estimation for construction projects, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4200, LNAI, pp. 147-152, 2006.
  52. Saitta S., Raphael B., Smith I.F.C., Combining two data mining methods for system identification, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4200 LNAI, pp. 606-614, 2006.
  53. Raphael B., Derivational analogy: Challenges and opportunities, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4200 LNAI, pp. 545-553, 2006.
  54. Pheng, L.S., Raphael, B., Kit, W.K., Tsunamis: Some pre-emptive disaster planning and management issues for consideration by the construction industry, Structural Survey 24 (5) , pp. 378-396, 2006.
  55. Saitta, S., Raphael, B. and Smith, I.F.C. "Data mining techniques for improving the reliability of system identification" Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol 19, No 4, 2005, pp 289-298.
  56. Patil A, Rastogi P, Raphael B, Phase-shifting interferometry by a covariance-based method, Appl Opt. 2005 Sep 20;44(27), pp. 5778-85.
  57. Robert-Nicoud Y., Raphael B. and Smith I.F.C., System identification through model composition and stochastic search, ASCE journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, (JCCE), Vol 19, No 3, 2005, pp. 239-247.
  58. A. Patil, P. Rastogi, B. Raphael, A stochastic method for generalised data reduction in holographic moir�, Optics communications, 248, 395-405 (2005).
  59. Robert-Nicoud Y., Raphael B., Burdet O. and Smith I.F.C., Model identification of bridges using measurement data, Vol. 20, 2, journal of Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2005, pp. 118-131.
  60. Y. Robert-Nicoud, B. Raphael and I.F.C. Smith, Configuration of measurement systems using Shannon's entropy function, Computers and Structures, 83, pp. 599-612, 2005.
  61. A. Patil, B. Raphael, P. Rastogi, Introduction of stochastic methods to phase shifting interferometry, Journal of Modern Optics, 52, pp. 33-44, 2005.
  62. A. Patil, B. Raphael, P. Rastogi, Generalized phase-shifting interferometry using direct stochastic algorithm for global search, Optics Letters, 29, pp. 1381-1383, 2004.
  63. B. Raphael and I.F.C. Smith, A direct stochastic algorithm for global search, J of Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 146, No 2-3, 2003, pp 729-758.
  64. B. Raphael and I.F.C. Smith, "Global search through sampling using a PDF", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 2827, 2003, pp 71-82
  65. B. Domer, B. Raphael, K. Shea and I.F.C. Smith, "A study of two stochastic search methods for structural control", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, (JCCE), Vol 17, No 3, 2003, pp 132-141.
  66. P. Svanerudh, B. Raphael, I.F.C.Smith, Lowering costs of timber shear-wall design using global search, Engineering with computers, Springer, Vol 18, No 2, 2002, pp 93-108.
  67. B. Raphael, G. Bhatnagar, and I.F.C. Smith, "Creation of flexible graphical user interfaces through model composition, AIEDAM, Vol 16, No 3, 2002, pp 173-184.
  68. Raphael, B. and I Smith. Case-based model selection for engineering diagnosis, Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, Computer Science, LNAI 1488, Springer, Heidelberg, pp 112-125, (1998).
  69. B. Raphael and I.Smith, Finding the right model for bridge diagnosis, In Artificial intelligence in structural engineering, Information technology for design, collaboration, maintenance and monitoring, Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 1454, pp.308-319, Springer, (1998).
  70. B. Kumar and B Raphael, CADREM: A Case-based System for Conceptual Structural Design, International Journal of Engineering with Computers, Springer-Verlag London Ltd., Vol. 13, pages 153-164, (1997).
  71. B. Kumar and B Raphael, Reconstructive Memory in Case-based Design, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Elsevier Science, Vol. 11, pages 245-258 (1997).
  72. B. Raphael and B. Kumar, Object-oriented Representation of Design Cases, International Journal of Computers and Structures, Pergamon Press, Vol 63, No. 4, pages 663-668, (1997).
  73. B Raphael and B Kumar, Indexing and Retrieval of cases in a Case-based Design Systems, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Design, Analysis and Manufacture, Cambridge University Press, 10, pages 47-63, March (1996).
  74. C.S.Krishnamoorthy, B.Raphael & S.Mukherjee, Meshing by successive superelement decomposition (MSD) - A new approach to quadrilateral mesh generation, International journal of Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Elsevier Science B.V., 20, pp. 1-37, (1995).
  75. B.Raphael and C.S.Krishnamoorthy, Automating finite element development using object oriented techniques, International journal of Engineering Computations, Peneridge Press Ltd., vol 10, pp.267-278 (1993).

Conference papers

  1. B.Raphael, Cumulative deflection approach for the analysis of continuous beams, In the proceedings of fourth Indian Engineering Congress, held at Bhubaneswar, (1990).
  2. B.Raphael and B.Kumar, Representing design cases, In Knowledge based systems for civil and structural engineering, (ed. B.H.V.Topping), pp. 259-264, CIVIL-COMP Press, Edinburgh, (1993).
  3. B.Raphael, B.Kumar and I.A.MacLeod, Representing design cases based on methods, In Computing in Civil Engineering, vol 2, pp. 285-292, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), New York, (1994).
  4. B. Kumar, B. Raphael and Ian McLeod, Case-based Reasoning for Structural Design, First Workshop of the European Group for Structural Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Lausanne, March 21-22, (1994).
  5. B.Raphael, B.Kumar and I.A.MacLeod, Potential roles for cases in a design system, In Proceedings of the 6-th International conference of computing in civil and building engineering, Berlin, (1995).
  6. B.Raphael, B.Kumar and I.A.MacLeod, Learning retrieval strategies through examples in a case-based design system, In proceedings of CIVIL-COMP 1995, CIVIL-COMP Press, Edinburgh, (1995).
  7. B.Raphael, K.Shea and I.Smith, A task and software independent CAE course, In AICIVIL-COMP99: The fifth international conference on the applications of AI to Civil and Structural Engineering , Oxford, England,13-15 September, (1999).
  8. I.Smith, and B. Raphael, Development of an undergraduate course on the fundamentals of CAE, Civil Engineering Learning Technology, Thomas Telford, London, pp 153-156, (1999).
  9. I.Smith, and B. Raphael, "Managing assumptions and models for evaluations of existing structures", Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warsaw, pp 231-234, (1999).
  10. Robert-Nicoud, Y., Raphael, B and Smith, I.F.C "Decision support through multiple models and probabilistic search", Proceedings of Construction Information Technology 2000, Icelandic Building Research Institute, Reykjavik, 2000, pp 765-779.
  11. Raphael, B and Smith, I.F.C "A probabilistic search algorithm for finding optimally directed solutions", Proceedings of Construction Information Technology 2000, Icelandic Building Research Institute, Reykjavik, 2000, pp 708-721.
  12. Smith, I.F.C. and Raphael, B. "A course on the fundamentals of computer-aided engineering" Computing in Civil and Building Engineering ICCCBE VIII, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, USA, 2000, pp 681-685.
  13. Raphael, B., Bhatnagar, G. and Smith, I.F.C. "A model-based approach for the creation of flexible graphical user interfaces", Artificial Intelligence in Construction and Structural Engineering, CICE, Loughborough University, 2001, pp 43-52.
  14. Raphael, B., Robert-Nicoud, Y., Blanc, D., Dubey, C., Simonato, A. and Smith, I. "Using cases and probabilistic analysis for monetary risk assessment" Safety, Risk and Reliability, International Conference Malta, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zurich, 2001, pp 611-16.
  15. Y. Robert-Nicoud, B. Raphael, I. F.C. Smith, "Decision support for system identification" Advances in Intelligent Computing in Engineering, 9th International Workshop of EG-ICE, Darmstadt University of Technology, Fortschritt-Berichte, Vol 4, No 180, M. Schnellenbach-Held, H. Denk (Eds.), VDI Verlag D�sseldorf, 2002, pp 92-101.
  16. Y. Robert-Nicoud, B. Raphael, I. F.C. Smith, "A methodology for model selection using measurements", Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering, London, 2002, pp 1-8 +CDROM
  17. B. Raphael, Y. Robert-Nicoud, I. F.C. Smith, "Computing probabilities of costs using cases", Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE Proceedings IT2002 Washington, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, USA, 2002, pp 103-112.
  18. Robert-Nicoud, Y., Raphael, B. and Smith, I.F.C. "Improving the reliability of system identification" Next Generation Intelligent Systems in Engineering, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, 4, No 199, VDI Verlag, 2004, pp 100-109.
  19. Robert-Nicoud, Y., Raphael, B. and Smith, I.F.C. "Using entropy to maximize the usefulness of data collection" Xth International Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE), Bauhaus-Universit�t Weimar Universit�tsverlag, Weimar, Germany, Karl Beucke, Berthold Firmenich, Dirk Donath, Renate Fruchter, Kim Roddis (eds.), 2004, pp 52-52 + CD.
  20. Raphael, B. and Smith, I.F.C. "Engineering Applications of a Direct Search Algorithm, PGSL" Computing in Civil Engineering, Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE Computing Conference, L. Soibelman , F. Pena-Mora (eds), American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston VA, USA, 2005, CDROM.
  21. Saitta, S. Raphael, B. and Smith, I.F.C. "Supporting Engineers during System Identification" Computing in Civil Engineering, Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE Computing Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston VA, USA, 2005, CDROM.
  22. Saitta, S. Raphael, B. and Smith, I.F.C. "Data Mining for System Identification Support", 12th EG-ICE Workshop, Borkowski A. (ed.), Poland, 2005, CD-ROM.
  23. B. Raphael and S. Saitta, Knowprice: using derivational analogy to estimate project costs, Proceedings of the eighth international conference on the application of artificial intelligence to civil, structural and environmental engineering, B.H.V. Topping, (ed.), Civil-Comp Press, 2005.
  24. Raphael, B., "A new approach to multi-objective optimization". IT solutions for the design and managment of infrastructure construction projects, ed. B. Kumar and P.R. Swarup (2006). New Delhi: CIDC. (ICITE/ITCSED 2006, 15 - 17 Nov 2006, India habitat centre, New Delhi, India)
  25. Raphael, B., "KnowPrice2: Intelligent cost estimation for construction projects". Intelligent computing in engineering and architecture, ed. Ian Smith (2006). Germany: Springer. (Intelligent computing in engineering and architecture, 25 - 30 Jun 2006, Monteverita, Ascona, Switzerland)
  26. Raphael*, B., K W Tham and S C Sekhar, "ACTIVE CONTROL OF INDOOR ENVIRONMENT QUALITY". Automation and robotics in construction, ed. Koshy Varghese (2007): 119-124. Madras: Indian Institute of Technology. (International symposium on automation and robotics in construction, 19 - 21 Oct 2007, Kochi, India)
  27. TEOH*, M C, S P Low and B. Raphael, "The ASEAN construction market: visual analysis using computer-based cartography". Achieving Excellence through Project Management, ed. Hamzah A R et al (2008): 213-222. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya. (International Conference on Project Management, 18 - 20 Nov 2008, Hilton Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia)
  28. TEOH*, M C, S P Low and B. Raphael, "Computer based cartography: A visual tool to incorporate Knowledge Management Information System (KMIS) in the Chinese construction industry". Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, ed. Feng C C et al (2008): 309-314. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (CRIOCM 2008, 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2008, Renmin University, Beijing, China)
  29. TEOH*, M C, S P Low and B. Raphael, "Computer-based cartography: A Marketing Information System tool for the EU Construction Indusstry". ARCOM Annual Conference, ed. Dainty A (2008): 597-606. Cardiff: Association of Researchers in Construction Management. (24th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1 - 3 Sep 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom)
  30. Raphael, B., Y CHEN, S C Sekhar and K W Tham, "Towards Intelligent Building Systems: Evaluating User Acceptance of Automatic Control". Computing in Civil and Building engineering, ed. Walid Tizani (2010). Nottingham: The University of Nottingham. (International conference on computing in civil and building engineering, 30 Jun - 2 Jul 2010, Notthingham, United Kingdom)
  31. CHEN Y, S C Sekhar, K W Tham and B. Raphael*, "Personalized Ventilation Control:Perception of Indoor Air Quality". Clima 2010, 10th REHVA World Congress, "Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings" (2010). Antalya: REHVA. (Clima 2010, 9 - 12 May 2010, Antalya, Turkey)
  32. CHEN Y., B. Raphael, S C Sekhar and K W Tham, "Energy Performance of Personalized Ventilation". Clima 2010, 10th REHVA World Congress, "Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings" (2010). Antalya: REHVA. (Clima 2010, 9 - 12 May 2010, Antalya, Turkey)
  33. Yahuza Kassim, Underwood, Jason and B. Raphael, "A Non-parametric Algorithm for Computing Information Technology Induced Productivity in the Construction Value Chain ". Computing in Civil and Building engineering, ed. Walid Tizani (2010). Nottingham: The University of Nottingham. (International conference on computing in civil and building engineering, 30 Jun - 2 Jul 2010, Notthingham, United Kingdom)
  34. Raphael, B., "Determination of the optimal positions of window blinds through multi-criteria search". ASCE Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (2011 Miami, Florida, United States)
  35. LEE, N K N, KSC Kuang, P JOVAN, B. Raphael, S T Quek and K W Tham, "Development of Carbon Dioxide Wireless Sensors for Demand-Controlled Ventilation". Proceedings of the 23rd KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, ed. L J Leu and C T Chen (2010): 453-456. Taipei: KKCNN. (23rd KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 13 - 15 Nov 2010, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan).
  36. Tham K.W., Raphael, B. and Pantelic, J., Improving The Design Process Using Simulations And Multicriteria Decision Making, 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November, 2011.
  37. YANG, J, S C Sekhar, K W Cheong and Benny Raphael, "Experimental Study of a Personalized Ventilation system coupled with a Personalized Exhaust system under Two different background air distribution Systems". CLIMA 2013, ed. Karel Kabele, Miroslav Urban, Karel Suchy, Milos Lain (2013). Prague: Society of Environmental Engineering (STP), REHVA Member Association. (CLIMA 2013 - 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference on IAQVEC, 16 - 19 Jun 2013, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic).
  38. Yang, J., Sekhar, S.C., Cheong, K.W., and Raphael, B., (2012) Computational evaluation of different personalized exhaust devices. Proceedings of the Healthy Building 2012, July 8-12, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
  39. Vernay, D.G., Raphael, B., Smith, I.F.C., Document Augmenting simulations with measurements, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Solutions, CIES 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013, pp. 180-187.
  40. Vernay, D.G., Raphael, B. and Smith, I.F.C. "Evaluating modeling uncertainties in the simulation of airflow in cities", Proceedings of the Int. Conf. Civil and Building Eng. Informatics, 2013, Tokyo, Japan, Nov 7-8, 2013.
  41. Raphael B., Control of An Adaptive Light Shelf Using Multi-Objective Optimization, In Proceedings of ISARC 2014, 31st international symposium on automation and robotics in construction and mining, ed. Quang Ha, Xuesong Shen, Ali Akbarnezhad, 2014, pp. 81-87
  42. Raphael B., Multi-criteria Decision Making for the Design of Building Facade, In Proceedings of International Conference On Computing In Civil And Building Engineering, 2014, pp. 1650-1657.
  43. Maria Papadopoulou, Benny Raphael, Ian F. C. Smith, Chandra Sekhar. (2015). A Framework for Optimal Sensor Placement in Full-Scale Studies of Wind Around Buildings. In ICWE14 Proceedings: 14th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Porto Alegre, Brazil, June 21-26, 2015.
  44. Maria Papadopoulou, Benny Raphael, Ian F. C. Smith, Chandra Sekhar. (2013). Sensor placement for predicting airflow around buildings to enhance natural ventilation. In ASHRAE IAQ 2013 Proceedings: Environmental Health in Low Energy Buildings, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 15-18, 2013.
  45. Ranjith K. Soman, Benny Raphael, Koshy Varghese, 2015, Sensor Placement to Monitor Launching Girder Operations in Segmental Construction, 32nd International symposium on automation and robotics in construction and mining, June 15-18, Oulu, Finland.
  46. Hemanta Doloi, Koshy Varghese and Benny Raphael, 2015. Drivers And Impediments Of Building Information Modelling From A Social Network Perspective, 32nd International symposium on automation and robotics in construction and mining, June 15-18, Oulu, Finland.
  47. Benny Raphael, Sai Chowdeswara Rao and Koshy Varghese, Automation of modular assembly of structural frames for buildings, International symposium on automation and robotics in construction and mining, July 18-21, Auburn, USA, 2016.
  48. Stefie Stephen, Ravindra Gettu, Benny Raphael, Effect of Loading Rate on the Fracture Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Concrete, 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, California USA. May 29-June 1, 2016.
  49. Marimuthu K, Benny Raphael, Ananthanarayanan K, and Ekambaram Palaneeswaran (2017), "Evaluation of quality assessment framework in Indian building construction projects", 2nd International conference on construction, real estate, infrastructure, and projects management (ICCRIP), NICMAR, Pune, November 10-11.
  50. Marimuthu K, Benny Raphael, Ananthanarayanan K, Ekambaram Palaneeswaran, and Behrooz Bodaghi (2017), "An overview of multi-project scheduling problems in India with resource constrained and unconstrained settings", 22nd International conference on advancement of construction management and real estate (CRIOCM), Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, November 20-23.
  51. Krishnamoorthi, S., Raphael, B. A methodology for analysing productivity in automated modular construction (2018) ISARC 2018 - 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and International AEC/FM Hackathon: The Future of Building Things.
  52. Harichandran, A., Raphael, B., Varghese, K., Inferring construction activities from structural responses using support vector machines (2018) ISARC 2018 - 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and International AEC/FM Hackathon: The Future of Building Things.
  53. Harichandran A., Raphael B., and Mukherjee A., Identification of the Structural State in Automated Modular Construction, (2019) 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2019)
  54. Kalyan Vaidyanathan, Benny Raphael, Aman Kumar, Makesh S and Yash Patil, Seamless Integration of Site Data into Planning and Monitoring of Construction Projects, In Proceedings of the Indian Lean Construction Conference, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, December 01-04, 2021 pp. 529-537.
  55. Sundararaman Krishnamoorthi and Benny Raphael , A Case Based Reasoning Approach for Selecting Appropriate Construction Automation Method, In Proceedings of 38th ISARC, Dubai, UAE, Nov, 2021, pp. 880-885. DOI:
  56. Krishnamoorthi Sundararaman and Benny Raphael, A case-based reasoning technique for evaluating performance improvement in automated construction projects, In Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction Bogotá, Colombia, July 13-15, 2022 pp. 590-596.
  57. Shanmugaraj Senthilnathan, and Benny Raphael, Quality monitoring of Concrete 3D printed elements using computer vision-based texture extraction technique, Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Chennai, India, July 5-7, 2023, pp. 474-481.
  58. B. Raphael, Optimisation of Pre-cast Slab Systems for Large Span Floors and Roofs, In P. Ivanyi, J. Kruis and B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, Online volume: CCC 6, 2023, doi:10.4203/ccc.6
  59. Ambadi A.P., Raphael B. Modelling and Control of Reflected Heat from Light Shelves in Tropical Climates (2024) Advances in Science and Technology, 137, pp. 27 - 33 DOI: 10.4028/p-t8DlIo
  60. Senthilnathan S., Raphael B. Buildability assessment of 3D printed concrete elements through computer vision (2024) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, pp. 995 - 1002 DOI: 10.22260/ISARC2024/0129
  61. Sivakumar K.S., Bugalia N., Raphael B. REBAPose -A Computer vision based Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk Assessment Framework (2024) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, pp. 607 - 614 DOI: 10.22260/ISARC2024/0079